Geraldo Almeida Neto - Coach

Geraldo Almeida Neto is a great acquisition to our coaching staff. He is Brazilian Native and still playing professionally around the globe. He is also a Futsal Coach and Player. Geraldo brings to Cruzeiro Chicago his professional experience and desire to grow as a coach and impact the lives of the young players.
Playing Experance:
- Goias E.C. professional division 1 club (Brazil)
- Goiania E.C.
- L. Benfica B
- Monsanto Portugal
- Gremio Mauense-SP
- Creti Minacu-Go
- Caldes de Montbui-Spain E.C.
- Trindade-Go
Summary of Skills:
- Excellent knowledge of club soccer and game techniques
- Strong training and supervising skills
- Remarkable motivating and coordination skills
- Skilled in recognizing and working on players’ weakness and strengths
- Ability to develop customized training sessions for a single player and the entire team
- Outstanding leadership skills with tremendous potential to product results